
Current Lab Members

Former Lab Members

(* Many of our master's / undergrad / high school students and staff coauthored peer-reviewed publications.)

Alumni Then Afterwards / Last Known Position
Honesty Kim Postdoctoral Fellow

Scientist at Enable Medicine

Alan Tsang Postdoctoral Fellow

Assistant Professor University of Hong Kong, China

Amy Lam Postdoctoral Fellow

Scientist at Enable Medicine

XinXin Du

Postdoctoral Fellow Staff Scientist Simons Institute, NY

Lukas Gerber

Postdoctoral Fellow Assistant Professor San Jose State University, San Jose

Seung Ah Lee

Postdoctoral Fellow Assistant Professor Yonsei University, South Korea

Nathan Orloff

Postdoctoral Fellow Project Lead at the National Institute of Standards and Technology


Honesty Kim PhD Student Bioengineering

Postdoctoral Fellow Riedel-Kruse Lab, UA

Tahrina Ahmed PhD Student Electrical Engineering

Principal CPU Architect and Sr. Engineering Manager at AMD

Melanie Malinas

PhD Student Biophysics Software engineer

Xiaofan Jin

PhD Student Bioengineering Postdoc with Katie Pollard, UCSF

David Glass

PhD Student Bioengineering Postdoc with Uri Alon, Weizmann Institute, Israel

Zahid Hossain

PhD Student Computer Science Software Engineer at Facebook Reality Labs

Nate Cira

PhD Student (by courtesy) Bioengineering Assistant Professor Biomedical Engineering, Cornell

Andrea Hamilton

PhD Student MCP Senior Scientist at General Electric



Peter Washington *

Master's Student Bioengineering Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii

Alice Chung *

Master's Student Bioengineering Graduate Student at UCLA

Mehmet Mert Aktas

Master's Student Physics Chief Executive Officer, TokenSuite

Kassi Joy Toffani

Master's Student BME Research Scientist, San Diego Area



Aleksandra K. Denisin *

Rotation Student BioE with publication Manager Technology Development at Guardant Health

Sean Choi *

Rotation Student CS with publication Research Scientist at Facebook

Stefano Rensi *

Rotation Student BioE with publication Director AI / ML @ GSK

Byung C. Lee *

Rotation Student EE with publication Assistant Professor at University of Science and Technology, Daejeon

Burak Dura *

Rotation Student EE with publication Senior Engineer at Inscripta, Inc.

50++ more

Rotation Students various Here, There and Everywhere



Bradey Stuart *

Honor's Thesis Student MCB MSTP student Medical Collage of Wisconsin

Paul M. Yoo

Honor's Thesis Student Chem&BioChem US Navy

Kaia Mattioli

Honor's Thesis Student Biology Postdoc Harvard Medical School



Yi-Jen Yang

Undergraduate Student Undergraduate, College of Medicine University of Arizona

Karina G. Samuel-Gama *

Undergraduate Student BioE Senior Data Engineer at Odyssey Therapeutics

Ethan Li *

Undergraduate Student CS Bioengineering PhD Candidate at Stanford University

Sherwin Y. Xia *

Undergraduate Student EE Co-founder of Trendsi

Jonathan Griffin *

Undergraduate Student BioE Software Developer at GeBioM GROUP

Matthew Loeun *

Undergraduate Student BioE Process Engineer at Guardant Health

Michael C. Doshi *

Undergraduate Student BioE Senior iOS Engineer at TikTok

Daniel Chiu *

Undergraduate Student BioE Senior Full-Stack Engineer at Innovation Coach

Cynthia Truong *

Undergraduate Student BioE PhD Student at Baylor College of Medicine

Byron Walker *

Undergraduate Student CS Co-Founder at Strofe

Ji Y. Park *

Undergraduate Student BioE Software Engineer at LinkedIn

Stephen Koo *

Undergraduate Student CS Senior Software Engineer at Google

Jordan D. Shapiro *

Undergraduate Student BioE VP Financial Planning & Analysis at IonQ Inc



Ritik Patnaik *

High School Student BS EE & CS, MIT

Uday Patil *

High School Student Software Engineer at Sei labs

Luke Hyman *

High School Student Bachelor of Engineering, University of Bath

Kateryna Voitiuk *

High School Student PhD Candidate in Bioinformatics, UCSC



Agnes Calasanz-Kaiser *

Science Teacher in Residence Isaac Newton Graham Middle School, Mountain View



Angela Barth *

Staff Research Associate Staff Research Associate with Markus Covert, Stanford

Shirish Goyal *

Staff Software Developer Startup India

Casey Litton *

Staff Software Developer Software Engineer Stanford VPTL, Stanford

Victoria Wu *

Staff Life Science Research Associate Scientist, MP Biomedicals